Road cyclists, grape vines on side of road, hills in the background, sunny day

Moyhu to Upper Ryans Creek

ID: 610770a673a76e08569747dd

Moyhu, Moyhu, Victoria

Attraction IconAttraction
1 Market Street,

Start at the Moyhu Park and take Glenrowan-Moyhu Road. Take a left turn at the fork in the road at 4km. Follow this road and turn left onto Wangaratta-Kilfeera Road (11km's). Pass 15 Mile Creek School on the right. The road goes up, then down and on the descent turn left onto Benalla-Whitfield Road (slip lane). Follow the Benalla-Whitfield Road to Myrrhee and enjoy some nice gentle climbs to test your legs. From Myrrhee take the Boggy Creek Road for 17km until you get to C521 (Wangaratta-Whitfield Road). Turn left and ride back into Moyhu....

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  • Sports and Recreation Facilities

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