Locomotive X 36, built at Newport in 1929. Its retirement in 1960 led to the founding of our museum.


ID: 5b99c72991ee13cc5aa9a27a

Newport, Newport, Victoria

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26 Champion Road,

紐波特鐵路博物館是所有年齡段的鐵路愛好者必去的地方,也是尋找有趣、愉快且負擔得起的周末郊遊的家庭的最愛。 紐波特鐵路博物館的陳列品包括最大的前維多利亞鐵路蒸汽機車系列,其中許多是在幾米外的紐波特鐵路車間建造的。該系列是對維多利亞本土工業能力的驚人證明,從 1880 年製造的小型坦克發動機一直到 1941 年的 264 噸特快客運機車“Heavy Harry”,這是澳大利亞有史以來建造的最大機車。 該系列延伸至現代,柴油機車范圍從 40 馬力調車機車到 1,800 馬力干線機車,以及 1923 年至 1983 年的郊區電動火車。 有美麗的車廂可供觀賞,亮點包括 1939 年自助餐車“Mitta Mitta”的裝飾藝術風格不銹鋼內飾或 1907 年臥舖車“Torrens”的複雜新藝術風格木製品和壓制金屬天花板。 其他景點包括製作精美的維多利亞火車比例模型、信號箱,以及許多其他鐵路展品的小型展示,從照片到鐵路陶器。...

Entry Cost


Adult admission is $10. Holders of a valid concession card are admitted for $5. Holders of a Carer's card are free, when visiting with someone in their care.

Product Types

  • 畫廊,博物館和收藏
  • 歷史遺跡和遺產地點

Facilities found here

  • Barbeque
  • Enquiry Desk
  • Family Friendly
  • Non Smoking
  • Picnic Area
  • Public Toilet
  • Shop / Gift Shop

Accessibility Information

  • Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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Suburban trains: 19th Century steam loco E236 and 20th Century electric 'red rattler' carriage 8M
At left is our star exhibit, H220 'Heavy Harry', the largest locomotive ever built in Australia
Victoria's oldest surviving steam locomotive, F176, and 'Overland' sleeping carriage 'Torrens'
The spectacular interior of 'Overland' sleeping carriage 'Torrens'
Ultra-modern in its day: the stainless steel interior of 1939 buffet car 'Mitta Mitta'.
The famous Melbourne 'Hitachi' suburban train, one of our newer exhibits
Explore our signalbox and find out how trains were safely despatched to their correct destination.
Explore the cabs of giant steam locomotives!