Pylon on the north bank of the Katherine River.


ID: 57a3f48e1409e6f4788ab9d9

Katherine, Northern Territory

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Northern Territory

該站點由兩個長長的電報柱組成,這些電報柱固定在由鋼絲支柱穩定的高石基座上。凱瑟琳河北岸和南岸有一座塔,相隔約400米。陸上電報塔建於 1898-99 年,以解決凱瑟琳河的問題,當時洪水干擾了線路的電線,從而在雨季切斷了通信。兩座塔樓是 30 英尺(9.1 米)的石砌石塔,每座都有兩根 50 英尺(15.2 米)的鋼桿。 ...

Product Types

  • 歷史遺跡和遺產地點

Facilities found here

  • Picnic Area

Accessibility Information

  • Caters for people with sufficient mobility to climb a few steps but who would benefit from fixtures to aid balance. (This includes people using walking frames and mobility aids)
  • Caters for people who are deaf or have hearing loss.
  • Caters for people who are blind or have vision loss.

Activities you can engage in

  • Walks

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Pylon on the south bank of the Katherine River.
Interpretative panel, north bank of the Katherine River.
Identification and interpretative sign, south bank of the Katherine River.